I spend a great deal of time preparing graduates for their job search. One subject we discuss in depth is the personal announcement on their phone. What may have been fun while attending school is not going to make the grade if a potential employer listens to it.
Here is an actual example of a college student’s voice message announcement. A perfect example of what not to say when searching for a job. Please note, the message has not been altered in any way.
“Yo, yo, Buffalo, you’ve reached Joe, but had to go,
Guess that means I’m a – no sho.
Leave your message in – slo mo,
I’ll get back to ya,
yo, ho, ho!”
Oh no! This is not appropriate. However, I do give the author an “A” for significant use of the “o” sound.
Another poor example:
“Hey, it’s me. Obviously I’m nowhere to be found. Leave a message loser. I might call you back.”
A more appropriate message would be:
“Hello, you’ve reached the voice mail of Joe ________. I’m sorry I missed your call. Please leave a brief message and I’ll get back to you before the end of the day. Thanks for calling and have a good day.”
The newly renovated voice announcement might be the ticket to an interview or a job offer.