Category Archives: News

News about the Etiquette School of Ohio and it’s graduates

How Should I React in a Breakup?

How to act in a breakup. Continue reading

Posted in Breakup Etiquette, Dating Etiquette, Divorce Etiquette, News, Relationship Etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Etiquette Adapts – and Takes On New Importance – During Pandemic

Sending a big THANK YOU to The Blade for including me in a recent article addressing etiquette during a pandemic. Please click the link below to review the article.

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“I Have to Say”

Never begin a speech or sentence with, “I have to say”. You do not have to say anything. Pay heed to the words in the self portrait of 17th century Italian Baroque painter, Salvatore Rosa, “Aut tace aut loquere meliora … Continue reading

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Thank You to All Who Have Served Our Country

To all the men, women, and families who have served, thank you for your sacrifices; for protecting our families and freedom. Today and everyday, we honor your service. Happy Veterans Day!

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Crying Babies Etiquette

Children ar<img src=’′ style=’width:142.73702422145px;height:151px;margin-top:0px;margin-left:0px;position:absolute;left:0;top:0′ alt=”/>e not born with proper manners.  They must be taught these skills as they grow and become ready to practice them in social situations.  Until children are able to execute proper manners on their own, their … Continue reading

Posted in Childrens Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, News, Social Etiquette, Theater Etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Debate Etiquette

A debate is an opportunity to formally discuss opposing opinions on a particular topic in public or legislative assemblies.   Debaters should handle themselves with dignity and show respect for their opponents at all times. I am disappointed to report dignity … Continue reading

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A “Nice” Social Media Rule

You may have heard the saying, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all”.  If you saw the movie “Bambi” as a child,  this was most likely one of the first rules of etiquette introduced … Continue reading

Posted in Conversation Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, News, Social Media | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Dayton Daily News – Ideas & Voices Article – 3-11-12

AN EXPERT OPINION It’s easier to blame others than to look at ourselves By Sandra Hyde As an etiquette coach, I am frequently asked if Americans are less civil today than in the past. It’s difficult to answer this question … Continue reading

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Etiquette School of Ohio is on Facebook

The Etiquette School of Ohio has officially launched its page on Facebook.  Become a fan today and start receiving your daily etiquette tips. 1. Go to 2. Search for Etiquette School of Ohio 3. Click on the “Become a … Continue reading

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Receive Daily Etiquette Tweets on Twitter

The Etiquette School of Ohio is now offering etiquette tips on twitter.  The LadyofEtiquette is poised for twitter success and awaits her twitter following!  Sign up today so you don’t miss a single etiquette tweet.

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