Category Archives: Dating Etiquette

How Should I React in a Breakup?

How to act in a breakup. Continue reading

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Flirtation in the Workplace

It is good practice to keep your personal life separate from your professional life.  Resist temptation to flirt with or date a co-worker. Occasionally, it is difficult for someone to resist the temptation to flirt and their object of attention … Continue reading

Posted in Dating Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, Office Etiquette, Professional Image | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Never Kiss and Tell

As tempting as it may be to share the details of our relationships, it is most inappropriate to do so. If a relationship, date, or one night stand was not a positive experience, do not embarrass the other person.  You … Continue reading

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Exchanging Personal Phone Numbers

Never give your personal phone number to someone if you are not comfortable doing so.  It is always important to be polite, but you must consider your safety first. If you are asked for your phone number and do not … Continue reading

Posted in Dating Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, Social Etiquette, Telephone Etiquette | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

When Flirting Crosses the Line

Webster’s Dictionary defines flirting as amorous behavior without serious intent.  If you find yourself engaging in playful conversation with serious intent, you need to know who you are having this conversation with and immediately stop it before crossing a line. … Continue reading

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First Dates – Can You Hear Your Date?

First dates can be awkward because you typically don’t know your date very well and want to make a good impression. Communication is very important to a first date.  Make sure you select a location that allows you to easily … Continue reading

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Helping a Lady with Her Coat – Dating Etiquette

A true gentleman will always help a lady with her coat. To help her put the coat on, stand behind the lady and hold the coat open at her waist level.  This allows the lady to reach her arms back … Continue reading

Posted in Dating Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, Social Etiquette | 1 Comment

Put The Toilet Seat Down – Couples Etiquette

Theoretically, what goes up, should come down.  This is the backbone of the toilet seat issue.  It is most courteous to always put the seat down after lifting it for use. Gentlemen, I’m speaking to you because women have no … Continue reading

Posted in Couples Etiquette, Dating Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, Gentlemen's Etiquette | 14 Comments

Valentine’s Day – Don’t Overlook The Little Things

I was shopping in a department store today and overheard customers stressing over Valentine’s Day.  Men were complaining about the expense of buying flowers and gifts.  Women were complaining about the men in their lives not giving them the right … Continue reading

Posted in Dating Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, Gifts, Special Occasions | 1 Comment

Don’t Break A Date

Never break a date once it is accepted. The only exception to this rule is the occurrence of an emergency.  If an emergency does occur, contact your date and explain the situation.  Do not leave your date waiting for you.  … Continue reading

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