Category Archives: Party Etiquette

When Can I Begin Eating After Being Served?

Do you know the proper time to begin eating? Rules vary from plated dinners, buffets, and family style meals. Continue reading

Posted in Dining Etiquette, Dining Out, Party Etiquette, Restaurant Etiquette, Wedding Etiquette | Leave a comment

Go Ahead and Enjoy Your S’more

Some foods bring back childhood memories.  For that reason alone, they are just fun to eat.  The chocolate s’more is one of those foods.  The name conjures thoughts of a sticky, gooey, chocolate goodness.  When asked about the etiquette of … Continue reading

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Glass vs. Bottle/Can When Drinking Beer

  The most appropriate way to consume any beverage is from a glass.  However, Americans thoroughly enjoy kicking back while sipping on a cold beer from a can or bottle. Drinking beer from a can or bottle is fine if … Continue reading

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Buffet Dining Etiquette: When May I Begin to Eat?

When food is served buffet style and you have a seated place setting, you may begin to eat when at least half of the number of guests seated at your table have returned from the buffet.  It is not necessary … Continue reading

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How To Exit From A Boring Conversation

Have you ever been at an event and found yourself in a conversation with someone you have absolutely nothing in common with?  You have most likely felt trapped.  Here is a way to exit that conversation without offending that person: … Continue reading

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TV Off When Entertaining

Unless you’re having a party to specifically watch a sporting event, movie, or other show, the television should be turned off when entertaining guests.

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The Importance of an RSVP

An RSVP is critical to the planning of a successful event.  It gives the host or hostess a number to work with when making arrangements for food, beverages, seating and more. If you fail to appropriately RSVP or uphold your … Continue reading

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Use A Coaster Under Your Drinking Glass

Drinking glasses have a tendency to sweat and can damage furniture by leaving a watermark in the shape of a ring on the furniture. Always place a coaster or cocktail napkin under your drinking glass before setting it down on … Continue reading

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