Wedding Invitations – Inviting a Single Person and Their Guest

If you are inviting a single man or woman to your wedding, it is not mandatory, but quite polite to invite them to bring a guest.  If you know they are in a serious relationship with someone, then you should invite both of them to your wedding.

If you know both of the individuals involved in the relationship, and they live separately, send each of them an invitation addressed specifically to them.

Ms. Sandra Allen
123 Any Street
Anywhere, Ohio 12121


Mr. Timothy Smith
459 Basil Street
Somewhere, Ohio 34989

If the couple lives together, write their names separately on the same invitation.

Ms. Sandra Allen
Mr. Timothy Smith
123 Any Street
Anywhere, Ohio 12121

If you don’t know the person your guest is dating, send an invitation with their name and guest written on it.

Mr. Timothy Smith and Guest
459 Basil Street
Somewhere, Ohio 34989

If you receive an invitation that does not include a guest, you should not bring one.  No exceptions.

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