How Should I React in a Breakup?

If you are fortunate to have a partner come to you and explain why he or she feels the relationship is not working and tells you it’s best to breakup, this is not an opportunity to start an argument. You need to respect your partner’s honesty and care for your feelings. A breakup is never easy and will bring heartbreak, but you need to be appreciative you’re not going to spend more of your time on someone who is not receptive to your emotional needs.

In most relationships, the point of the actual breakup is not a surprise. There were probably discussions or hints dropped indicating problems or concerns with the relationship prior to the actual breakup.

The best way to walk away from a relationship is with mutual respect. Apparently, there was mutual admiration between both partners to form the relationship in the first place. Why not continue a mutual respect for each other moving forward? Life is too short to harbor anger towards someone just because your romantic relationship was not meant to be. You have already invested a great deal of time getting to know one another, continue to support one another as you move forward in life.

Be grateful for the time together. Say, thank you, for the good times. Wish them all the best in the future. Move on to find the person you are truly meant to be with.

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