Tag Archives: Ohio etiquette

How Should I React in a Breakup?

How to act in a breakup. Continue reading

Posted in Breakup Etiquette, Dating Etiquette, Divorce Etiquette, News, Relationship Etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

“I Have to Say”

Never begin a speech or sentence with, “I have to say”. You do not have to say anything. Pay heed to the words in the self portrait of 17th century Italian Baroque painter, Salvatore Rosa, “Aut tace aut loquere meliora … Continue reading

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Why Do We Pull Out A Lady’s Chair?

Have you ever wondered why we pull out a lady’s chair as she is being seated at the dinner table? This act of social etiquette stemmed from the days when the attire of high society women was so elaborate and … Continue reading

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Texting Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts

Texting is quickly becoming the standard of choice for communication in our society.   Here are a few tips to make sure you are following your manners when texting and not being rude: Don’t text while driving.  It’s dangerous.  A quick … Continue reading

Posted in Cell Phone Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, Texting Etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Buffet Dining Etiquette: When May I Begin to Eat?

When food is served buffet style and you have a seated place setting, you may begin to eat when at least half of the number of guests seated at your table have returned from the buffet.  It is not necessary … Continue reading

Posted in Dining Etiquette, Dining Out, Etiquette Tips, Party Etiquette, Wedding Etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Workplace Germs

It’s the time of year when sounds of coughing and sneezing can be heard throughout the office.  No one wants to catch the cold or flu, but what should we do if a co-worker is obviously fighting an illness? In … Continue reading

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Should the Ring Be Returned if the Engagement is Broken?

If the woman breaks the engagement, she should return the engagement ring to her ex-fiance. If the man breaks the engagement, the woman may keep the ring.  However, she may want to return the ring so it doesn’t remain a … Continue reading

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Concert/Theater Courtesy

I attended a Christmas concert a few nights ago and was shocked at the inconsiderate behavior of the audience members.  People stood up and walked around during the performance with no regard to other audience members or the performing group.  … Continue reading

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Be Considerate When Sending Large E-mail Attachments

Please don’t send a large e-mail attachment without the recipient’s approval or prior knowledge. You don’t want to annoy someone because their computer is inoperable while they wait for your file to download.  It’s also possible they don’t have the … Continue reading

Posted in Business Etiquette, E-mail Etiquette, Etiquette Tips | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Be Helpful at a Trade Show or Convention

When a company has a booth at a convention or trade show, it is viewed as a fixture and host to all visitors attending the event.   Company employees working in the booth are perceived to be knowledgeable about the event … Continue reading

Posted in Business Etiquette, Customer Service, Etiquette Tips, Trade shows/Conventions | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment