Category Archives: Social Etiquette

Do Not Applaud Yourself

Do not applaud yourself when being introduced, acknowledged, or honored. As I watched the Academy Awards last night, I was shocked at the number of Oscar nominees who applauded while their name was announced. If your name is mentioned while … Continue reading

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Exchanging Personal Phone Numbers

Never give your personal phone number to someone if you are not comfortable doing so.  It is always important to be polite, but you must consider your safety first. If you are asked for your phone number and do not … Continue reading

Posted in Dating Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, Social Etiquette, Telephone Etiquette | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

How To Exit From A Boring Conversation

Have you ever been at an event and found yourself in a conversation with someone you have absolutely nothing in common with?  You have most likely felt trapped.  Here is a way to exit that conversation without offending that person: … Continue reading

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TV Off When Entertaining

Unless you’re having a party to specifically watch a sporting event, movie, or other show, the television should be turned off when entertaining guests.

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Do Not Wander When Dining Out

While on a date or dining with a group, do not leave your table to wander around the restaurant and visit with others. It’s acceptable to excuse yourself from the table to visit the restroom, but make it a direct … Continue reading

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The Importance of an RSVP

An RSVP is critical to the planning of a successful event.  It gives the host or hostess a number to work with when making arrangements for food, beverages, seating and more. If you fail to appropriately RSVP or uphold your … Continue reading

Posted in Etiquette Tips, Party Etiquette, Public Courtesies, Wedding Etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Use A Coaster Under Your Drinking Glass

Drinking glasses have a tendency to sweat and can damage furniture by leaving a watermark in the shape of a ring on the furniture. Always place a coaster or cocktail napkin under your drinking glass before setting it down on … Continue reading

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When Flirting Crosses the Line

Webster’s Dictionary defines flirting as amorous behavior without serious intent.  If you find yourself engaging in playful conversation with serious intent, you need to know who you are having this conversation with and immediately stop it before crossing a line. … Continue reading

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Sharing the TV Remote Control

I have heard marriages and friendships have been broken because two people were unable to share the television remote control.  Here are a few tips to help avoid these broken relationships: 1) Do not change the channel without asking for … Continue reading

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Signing Childrens Names to Greeting Cards and Correspondence

It is an acceptable practice to sign the names of children on greeting cards and other informal forms of correspondence sent by a family. However, it is not appropriate to sign the names of adult or married children to any … Continue reading

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