Are You Reliable? – Business Etiquette

Reliability is an imperative element of a professional image.

If you say you are going to get back to someone with an answer before the end of the business day, do you?

Do you meet deadlines or does your supervisor have to track you down?

Are you on time for meetings?

If you are going to be late do you call to inform the people waiting on you?

Did you complete the task you volunteered for during the last staff meeting?  On time?

If you answered no to any of these questions, you need to work on your reliability skills before your next review for a promotion.  If you don’t, you shouldn’t be surprised your co-worker is promoted before you are.

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Office Etiquette is Gender Free

Office or business etiquette is often confused with social etiquette.  When you are in a professional setting, etiquette is gender free.

For example, if a female employee is giving her male guest a tour of her company, she should hold the door open for her guest to walk through.  In a social setting, it would polite for the man to hold the door open for the lady.

Do not worry about gender etiquette in the business world.  Instead, think of host etiquette which is very similar to the etiquette skills you would use when inviting guests to your home.  You do whatever you can to make them feel comfortable in your territory.

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Redundant Phrases – “Advanced Warning” – Grammar Etiquette

Grammar is very important to succeed in business.   Business communication should be precise and simple.  It is not necessary to add words to your speech or writing to appear scholarly.

I heard a very good example of excess word use driving to work this morning.  The radio station I was listening to advertised their weather reporting skills.  They announced they will always give you “advanced warning” of approaching storms.

Used together, the words advanced and warning are redundant.  Warning means to alert you beforehand.  To place the word advance before it means you are giving a notice before the beforehand notice.

Our casual grammar has many redundant phrases.  Now that you’re aware of them, see if you notice any today.

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Addressing the First Lady in Writing

When writing to the wife of the President of the United States, the following forms of address are appropriate:

Greeting or Salutation:

Dear Mrs. Obama


Mrs. Obama

Do not use a first name in either the greeting of the letter or the envelope address.

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E-mail Etiquette – Sending Bad News

Avoid sending bad news in an e-mail. Think about the reaction the recipient might have to the news of a death, loss of job, or critical accident.  They shouldn’t be alone when receiving such information.

When receiving bad news, hearing another person’s voice can help someone deal with the situation much easier.

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Put The Toilet Seat Down – Couples Etiquette

Theoretically, what goes up, should come down.  This is the backbone of the toilet seat issue.  It is most courteous to always put the seat down after lifting it for use. Gentlemen, I’m speaking to you because women have no use for a toilet seat in the up position.

I frequently hear men saying, “Why do I always have to remember to put the seat down?  Why can’t she remember to put it up for me?”

The question at hand comes down to a safety issue.  Take this story a male friend shared with me into consideration.

During his regular routine of getting ready for bed, he left the toilet seat up.  In the middle of the night, his wife had a desperate urge to make a run to the bathroom.  Getting there in the nick of time, she sat down on the rim of the toilet seat.  Losing her balance, she fell into the bowl and hit her head on the tank.  The tank lid fell to the floor shattering pieces of porcelain all over the bathroom.  She broke her back and my friend had to get stitches in his feet after cutting them on the broken pieces of porcelain as he assisted her.

The lesson to be learned: To maintain a happy and healthy relationship, put the toilet seat down.

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Is It Miss or Ms.?

The proper term to use for a single young lady under 21 is Miss.  When she turns 21, the proper term is Ms.

If she is under 21 and married, you would use the term Mrs.

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Learn From Others

It is so easy to become frustrated when your expectations are not met when interacting with others.  For example, a sales associate is slow at the checkout or a technician can’t immediately tell you why your computer is not working.

Rather than allow your blood pressure to rise, look at the situation and determine what you might learn from it.  Maintaining a mind set that everyone can be your teacher and every interaction is a learning experience will lower your blood pressure and allow you to see situations differently.

A slow sales associate can help you work on your patience.  The undecided technician might have amazing problem solving skills you can incorporate in your next technical problem.  On the other hand, observe positive interactions as well.  The receptionist always makes your day brighter with her smile.  Perhaps if you smiled more, you could brighten the day for other people too.  Everyone you meet can be your teacher.

You can even learn from animals.  I am hoping my dog can teach me how to live in the moment and find happiness in everything as it is.

Don’t be so quick to judge the shortfalls of others, but step back and observe without judgment to improve your own shortfalls.  This new attitude will work wonders for your etiquette skills too.

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“Thank You” Can Make A Spiritual Connection

A prayer is a means of communicating on a spiritual level.  Prayers do not need to be lengthy or complicated.  Two words imperative to proper etiquette can also be a very simple prayer.  These two words are thank you.

Saying thank you regularly throughout the day and truly meaning it, can give a sense of gratitude.

You can repeat these words to yourself, share them with others, or silently think them.  However you choose to say them, be truly grateful.

Say them when you see a beautiful sunset, make it through a stop light, avoid hitting an animal with your car, or enjoy the coziness of a warm blanket and fire.  Perhaps you’re grateful for someone holding a door, an elevator, or a heavy box.  Did you enjoy a cup of coffee, a hot shower, or a piece of chocolate?  Maybe a friend made you smile by sending an e-mail just to say hello or maybe you discovered you didn’t send an e-mail you wrote while you were upset yesterday.

Whatever it is, say thank you and feel grateful.

Thank you for visiting my site.

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Is It Appropriate To Request Cash For A Wedding Gift?

It is never appropriate to request a gift of any kind for any occasion.  A gift is the sole choice of the person or people giving it.

Many engaged couples have asked how they can let their guests know their preference of money over gifts.  It is inappropriate for the bride or groom to inform their guests of their gift preferences.  It is also inappropriate to have any such wording or enclosure in the wedding invitation.

The bride and groom must rely on their network of close friends and family members to discreetly inform their guests of their gift preferences.

This same rule holds true for gift registries.  Never enclose a list of where the bride and groom have registered in the invitation.  If wedding guests would like to know where the bride and groom are registered, they should contact a family member of the wedding couple to find out.

A wedding guest is never obligated to choose a gift from the registry.  Again, the gift decision is their choice.

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