Category Archives: Etiquette Tips

When Can I Begin Eating After Being Served?

Do you know the proper time to begin eating? Rules vary from plated dinners, buffets, and family style meals. Continue reading

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How Should I React in a Breakup?

How to act in a breakup. Continue reading

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Why Do We Pull Out A Lady’s Chair?

Have you ever wondered why we pull out a lady’s chair as she is being seated at the dinner table? This act of social etiquette stemmed from the days when the attire of high society women was so elaborate and … Continue reading

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Wedding Receiving Lines are Not Optional for Guests

If you are attending a wedding you are expected to go through the receiving line.  This is a wonderful opportunity to wish the newlyweds well and share in their joyous celebration. I frequently hear excuses such as, “I don’t want … Continue reading

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Don’t Touch This – Car Etiquette

If you are a passenger in a vehicle, do not touch the stereo. Do not change the station, the volume, or the source. You may only touch the stereo if the driver says, “Would you like to select the music?”, … Continue reading

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Leprechaun Etiquette for St. Patrick’s Day

In the event you come across a leprechaun on St. Patrick’s Day, it’s imperative you follow proper leprechaun protocol while interacting with the leprechaun.  Not doing so, could mean many years of unwanted bad luck. When meeting  a leprechaun: Always … Continue reading

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Crying Babies Etiquette

Children ar<img src=’′ style=’width:142.73702422145px;height:151px;margin-top:0px;margin-left:0px;position:absolute;left:0;top:0′ alt=”/>e not born with proper manners.  They must be taught these skills as they grow and become ready to practice them in social situations.  Until children are able to execute proper manners on their own, their … Continue reading

Posted in Childrens Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, News, Social Etiquette, Theater Etiquette | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Two Groom Wedding – Can You Wear White?

More states are now recognizing same-sex marriages.  We now find ourselves navigating through unfamiliar and new social rules.  The question of wearing white to a wedding with two grooms is not new in regard to traditional rules.  Even though there … Continue reading

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10 Habits of Genuinely Charming People

LinkedIn Influencer Jeff Haden published this post originally on LinkedIn. Sure, everyone knows blunt, impolite, and even rude people who are somehow extremely successful. I know a bunch of them. But since we’re all more likely to build professional and personal relationships and … Continue reading

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Wedding Etiquette – Bridal Attendants’ Hair Style

The bride may select her attendants’ attire, accessories, and headpieces, but it is inappropriate for her to tell her attendants how to style their hair.

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