Responsibilities of an Usher – Wedding Etiquette

If you are asked to be an usher in a wedding, the groom or couple most likely asked you because they value your relationship, trust you, and respect you.  It is an honor to be involved in the most celebrated ceremony in a couple’s lifetime together.

As an usher, you have the following responsibilities:

1) Dress in specific clothing selected by the wedding couple.  You may have to rent a tuxedo.

2) Attend any pre-wedding parties you are invited to.

3) Seat the wedding guests.

4) Placing the white liner in the aisle for the bride to walk on.

5) Run any last minute errands for the groom or wedding couple.

6) Sit at the bridal table during the reception if there is one.

7) Pose for wedding pictures.

8) Dance with the bridesmaids.

9) Contribute to an usher’s wedding gift.

10) Make sure everything runs smoothly for the wedding couple.

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Tipping the Hotel Bellman

If a bellman helps you with your luggage, he or she should be tipped $1 for each bag.  Never tip less than a total of $2.

For example, if the bellman helps you with only one bag, tip a minimum of $2.

If the bellman helps you with five bags, tip a minimum of $5.

Of course, if the bellman does an outstanding job to help you get settled in your room, do not limit yourself to tipping only $1 per bag.

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Wedding Invitations – Inviting a Single Person and Their Guest

If you are inviting a single man or woman to your wedding, it is not mandatory, but quite polite to invite them to bring a guest.  If you know they are in a serious relationship with someone, then you should invite both of them to your wedding.

If you know both of the individuals involved in the relationship, and they live separately, send each of them an invitation addressed specifically to them.

Ms. Sandra Allen
123 Any Street
Anywhere, Ohio 12121


Mr. Timothy Smith
459 Basil Street
Somewhere, Ohio 34989

If the couple lives together, write their names separately on the same invitation.

Ms. Sandra Allen
Mr. Timothy Smith
123 Any Street
Anywhere, Ohio 12121

If you don’t know the person your guest is dating, send an invitation with their name and guest written on it.

Mr. Timothy Smith and Guest
459 Basil Street
Somewhere, Ohio 34989

If you receive an invitation that does not include a guest, you should not bring one.  No exceptions.

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What Does “A`la carte” Mean?

A`la carte means each item on the menu is priced separately.

For example, if you order a steak and want a salad and twice baked potato as well, you will be charged a separate price for each item ordered.

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Helping a Lady with Her Coat – Dating Etiquette

A true gentleman will always help a lady with her coat.

To help her put the coat on, stand behind the lady and hold the coat open at her waist level.  This allows the lady to reach her arms back and find the armholes.  Once her hands are in the armholes, the gentleman raises the coat up to her shoulders.

Never hold the coat higher than waist level.  Doing so makes it difficult for the lady to reach the armholes.

Also, always offer to hang or check the lady’s coat when you arrive at your destination.  To check a coat, take both your coat and her coat to the coat check and get a claim check(s) or ticket(s) for them.  When you are ready to leave, present the claim check(s) or ticket(s) at the coat check.  Remember to place a tip of a dollar per coat in the tip jar.

The gentleman will help the lady put her coat on before he puts his on.

Ladies, never forget to say thank you to the gentleman when he helps you with your coat.

Posted in Dating Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, Social Etiquette | 1 Comment

Out of Play Areas – Golf Etiquette

The United States Golf Association (USGA) advises us to adhere to wildlife signs and avoid venturing into those designated rough and out-of-play areas to help improve wildlife habitat on the golf course.

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Couples Signature on Informal Correspondence

When a married couple is sending informal correspondence such as a greeting card or letter, there is no steadfast etiquette rule for whose name should be written first in the signature.

Usually, the person writing the note writes their name last.

Some people feel the woman’s name should always be first.

Others believe the man’s name should be first to follow the “Mr. and Mrs.” format.

If the names of children are included in the signature, the father’s name is first, followed by the mother’s name, and then the children’s names.

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Golf Etiquette – Dealing With Frost Issues

It is estimated a group of four golfers take close to 5,000 steps on just the course greens during a round of golf.  It is important to recognize the effect those 5,000 steps might have on the course conditions.

When there is frost on the ground, avoid walking on the greens to prevent damaging them.

Be patient when starting tee times are delayed due to frost. Waiting for the frost to melt will help the condition of the greens for the season and prevent costly repairs and assessments.

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Handbags vs. Briefcases

Female professionals should choose between carrying a handbag or a briefcase.  Do not carry both at the same time.

Depending on the one you choose to carry to meet your needs for a particular day or business meeting, be sure it is of quality and in good condition.

Posted in Business Etiquette, Etiquette Tips, Professional Dress, Professional Image | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What Side Should You Wear A Pocket Watch On?

A pocket watch should be worn on the opposite side of your dominate hand. You should be able to write with one hand and check the accurate time with the other.

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